The Fou Story

My Organic Journey
Fou furnishings organic journey started on one of those eureka moments on a plane journey home, at the end of a very long working day. Two years later, after an MSc in Product Design & Development, and another full year of sourcing to find the right organic bed linen quality and suppliers; fou furnishings was launched online.

The sourcing proved very time consuming and took a full year, as when I started, there was no Global Organic Textile Standard. Good things take time and patience. After a year of searching, attending trade fairs, product and bed linen specifications and designs, I found three organic suppliers who could make to the specified quality and design. This in late 2008 was the start of our growing and unique organic textile and natural supply chain and products.

Our suppliers made up prototypes of my designs which I then, as now, have rigorously tested against BS EN ISO standards for shrinkage, pilling and chemical substances, as well as certified to organic standards. Any product we sell has to deliver on the promise of quality, organic integrity and service.

Why Choose Certified Organic Textiles? 
Having worked for some large retail chains, ensuring social, ethical and environmental responsibility through a transparent supply chain were core to the development of fou furnishings. The selection of organic cotton as the key material was based on the traceability and sustainability of the supply chain as well as the quality of this natural fibre.

The amount of organic cotton being used in products from fashion to furnishings is growing as more and more people choose to buy natural and organic products.

Expertise in Organic Textiles
Along the way, we have developed expertise in organic textiles products. We offer free advice on sourcing organic linens and textiles from our unique supply chain. Use our expertise in organic cotton textiles to make your green sourcing easier and informed. We would love to hear from you whether you are buying for one or multiple rooms. Simply call the office on tel: +44 (0) 1736 339287